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Previous version & Linux CGI problems?

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  • Previous version & Linux CGI problems?


    Can I download a previous version of the zoom search engine?

    I downloaded 5.1.1016 but it gives an Internal Server Error because wrensoft compiled with a newer version of linux. 5.1.1016 was downloaded today (26th may 0.

    Can I download a previous version like 5.1.1015 ? I had 5.1.1015 but overwrote it with the new version.


  • #2
    This Linux compatibility problem was corrected some days ago. What makes you think this is incompatibility issue? There are many other reasons a server might give an Internal Server Error.

    Did you Telnet to the machine and run the CGI from the Linux command line to see what the error was?

    What version of Linux are you using?

    What is the exact file size of the non working CGI on your server?

    Did you check file permissions?


    • #3
      Well, I found an older version on my backup and installed that (version 5.1.1013) and now there is no Internal server error when using the search function.

      I am, of course, using CGI and my site is run by a linux server.

      The error only seems related to the search function.



      • #4
        I edited my post to add some additional questions, but you had already replied by then. Opps.


        • #5
          The site is at:

          If you like I could install 5.1.1016 again so you can see what happens.

          The host is: surftown

          The search.cgi file has execution permission as well as read.


          • #6
            If you install it again, place it into a sub folder, so that it doesn't disrupt your site.

            Do you Telnet to the machine and run the CGI from the Linux command line to see what the real error was?

            What version of Linux are you using?

            What is the exact file size of the non working CGI on your server?


            • #7
              I have installed the 5.1.1016 generated files again.

              If you go to: and type anything in the searchbox it will generate the Internal Server Error. If you type footy - which should reveal zero search results then there is the error. If you type medicin - which should reveal some search results then there is the error.

              The site is hosted by Surftown and I (think that I) don't have access to any logs. I also do not know what version of Linux they are running.

              The file sizes reported are:

              zoom_pageinfo.zdat 692 bytes
              zoom_pagedata.zdat 2.15 Kb
              search_template.html 2.63 Kb
              settings.zdat 3.92 Kb
              zoom_pagetext.zdat 26.94 Kb
              zoom_dictionary.zdat 41.42 Kb
              zoom_wordmap.zdat 53.22 Kb
              search.cgi 246.46 Kb

              I am also not generating a search form.

              I don't know what telnet is.

              The indexing is done offline on a windows XP service pack 2 machine.

              Hope this is in any way helpful.


              • #8
                Using a test script I found:

                CGI/1.0 test script report:

                argc is 0. argv is .

                SERVER_SOFTWARE = Apache/1.3.37 (Unix) Sun-ONE-ASP/4.0.2 PHP/4.4.7 mod_throttle/3.1.2 FrontPage/ mod_psoft_traffic/0.2 mod_ssl/2.8.28 OpenSSL/0.9.6b
                SERVER_NAME =
                GATEWAY_INTERFACE = CGI/1.1
                SERVER_PROTOCOL = HTTP/1.1
                SERVER_PORT = 80
                REQUEST_METHOD = GET
                HTTP_ACCEPT = text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
                PATH_INFO =
                PATH_TRANSLATED =
                SCRIPT_NAME = /cgi-bin/test-cgi
                QUERY_STRING =
                REMOTE_HOST =
                REMOTE_ADDR =
                REMOTE_USER =
                AUTH_TYPE =
                CONTENT_TYPE =
                CONTENT_LENGTH =


                • #9
                  We need to know the exact version and distribution of Linux running on your web server. Ideally, if you can provide us with telnet access to your server, we would be able to do extended testing to resolve this issue.

                  You may need to contact your web host for this information. We would recommend asking them for:
                  (1) The exact version and distribution of Linux running on your web server.
                  (2) Whether you have telnet access to the server, and if so, what are your login details.
                  (3) Access to the server error logs for your website.

                  Please let us know what you find.

                  Failing that, if you can give us FTP access, we can still do some more testing (albeit limited) to at least narrow down or confirm the problem.

                  You can contact us by e-mail here.
                  Wrensoft Web Software
                  Sydney, Australia
                  Zoom Search Engine


                  • #10
                    We have done more investigation and testing on Forza's server. The problem is due to an inherent nature of Linux, which makes it difficult to ensure compiled binaries would be compatible with different versions and distributions of Linux.

                    We have been trying to determine build settings which will allow the CGI to run on most of the more common Linux distributions/versions out there, but we are unable to test every version possible. If you have trouble running the CGI on Linux (and you have checked the FAQ page for the more common setup mistakes), then please let us know.

                    We have once again changed the CGI build environment again for the next release (Version 5.1 build 1017) and our testing shows this to be more reliably compatible and it should be an improvement on the current build.
                    Wrensoft Web Software
                    Sydney, Australia
                    Zoom Search Engine


                    • #11
                      Thanks guys, for all of your time and effort.

                      Now it works perfectly.

