Just downloaded V5 as an extension to Dreamweaver MX. Fantastic addon!!
Before I go and make many mistakes and get knowhere I was hopping for a little advice to start me off using Wrensoft.
I have a database on Excel that I want to upload to the web.I want to use the wrensoft search facility to search that database.
What method would be best to use for the search to work best. what format and structure to put the database in.
What I would like is the database to be in one file stored on the web and the search to bring out each result but each result to have it's own page even though they started from the same page of data.
Any advice would be great.
Just downloaded V5 as an extension to Dreamweaver MX. Fantastic addon!!
Before I go and make many mistakes and get knowhere I was hopping for a little advice to start me off using Wrensoft.
I have a database on Excel that I want to upload to the web.I want to use the wrensoft search facility to search that database.
What method would be best to use for the search to work best. what format and structure to put the database in.
What I would like is the database to be in one file stored on the web and the search to bring out each result but each result to have it's own page even though they started from the same page of data.
Any advice would be great.