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resultpage in another frame

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  • resultpage in another frame

    I am evaluating Zoom and here is one question. How can I force the resultpage to appear in another frame? (I mean not in "_self", but in "content"). Hope that someone can help me.
    Bert Greenfield.

  • #2
    There is some information about how to use Zoom with frames here,



    • #3
      I can set the target to another frame in javascript/php/asp but for cgi, since it is a binary executable, how can I set the target="_content" for the results?

      The 'Results Linking' in Search Page opens up the page that shows up in results in the target frame but I need the results to show up in another frame.

      My problem is that I have the categories enabled and Search.cgi displays the search form with the categories so I want to use it in my top frame but I would like the results to be diplsayed in the main frame.

      Is there a neat way of doing this?



      • #4
        Define your own search form on another page (see FAQ link above). You can copy and paste the categories dropdown HTML from opening the search.cgi page in a browser and clicking on 'View source'.
        Wrensoft Web Software
        Sydney, Australia
        Zoom Search Engine


        • #5
          Actually I already did that but since our knowledge base (for which we need the search engine) is evolving, the categories would be changing and everytime someone would have to edit the html form and the Zoom Indexer configuration files too.

          I was looking for a neater way of acheiving it not possible to pass a parameter to cgi that has the target name?


          • #6
            Not in the current version. Most of the time people want a completely different page (due to differences in formatting/layout) when they have a search form which is seperate from the results page.

            However, what you are trying to achieve is having two frames both contain "search.cgi", but one only renders the form, while the other only renders the results. I'm not sure if you realize it, but even if we made this possible (by providing an option to set the search form target), your two frames would have the exact same search_template.html, thus the same look and layout. Then again, this might be reasonable for your site, it all depends.

            There is a better solution, but it requires scripting knowledge. You can use the PHP or ASP version of the script to generate the search form. Assuming you have some scripting knowledge, you can modify say, search.php, to have a form action="search.cgi" and target="_content". Since search.php would be able to read in the category data from the same set of index files, this would not require you to manually update the categories each time it is updated. If you are a more experienced coder, you can even create a customized version of the search script which only renders the search form, and avoids having to load in all the other index files which are not necessary (only zoom_cats.zdat and zoom_catpages.zdat would be needed). With this method, you can also point it to a different template so that the two pages would then have a different look.
            Wrensoft Web Software
            Sydney, Australia
            Zoom Search Engine

