I am a new Zoom Search Engine user who is very satisfy with it except for one problem.
1.) My application has two columns altogether. The left column is a div tag that will contain the Search Navigation (form and search links), by simply calling the ZoomSearch() function.
2.) The right column is a div tag that will load "Result Linking" (Application Content) when user click the search link in Search Navigation
3.) The "Results Linking" configuration option (in Search Page tab), defines how clicking on a search result link will open the page. However, no matter how I configure my build-process "Result Linking" always seems to return a frame. The two variables that defines this in settings.js are "UseLinkTarget" (1 or 0) and "LinkTarget" (string variable).
My application is completely frame-less. I am using div tags instead. However, the following code-line "<a href=\"" + urlLink + "\"" + target + ">" always returns a "frame" if UseLinkTarget=1. How can I replace it to return to a div tag rather than a frame?
Here is the code snippet in search.js
if (DisplayTitle == 1)
document.writeln("<a href=\"" + urlLink + "\"" + target + ">");
document.writeln("<a href=\"" + urlLink + "\"" + target + ">" + pgurl + "</a>");
I would really appreciate expedient help on this. Please let me know if you need further clarification. Thanks..
1.) My application has two columns altogether. The left column is a div tag that will contain the Search Navigation (form and search links), by simply calling the ZoomSearch() function.
2.) The right column is a div tag that will load "Result Linking" (Application Content) when user click the search link in Search Navigation
3.) The "Results Linking" configuration option (in Search Page tab), defines how clicking on a search result link will open the page. However, no matter how I configure my build-process "Result Linking" always seems to return a frame. The two variables that defines this in settings.js are "UseLinkTarget" (1 or 0) and "LinkTarget" (string variable).
My application is completely frame-less. I am using div tags instead. However, the following code-line "<a href=\"" + urlLink + "\"" + target + ">" always returns a "frame" if UseLinkTarget=1. How can I replace it to return to a div tag rather than a frame?
Here is the code snippet in search.js
if (DisplayTitle == 1)
document.writeln("<a href=\"" + urlLink + "\"" + target + ">");
document.writeln("<a href=\"" + urlLink + "\"" + target + ">" + pgurl + "</a>");
I would really appreciate expedient help on this. Please let me know if you need further clarification. Thanks..