I am having an issue where certain characters like the curly apostrophe and the extended hypen are coming up as Γاض in the search results. They are displayed properly on the web page, and all the encoding is in UTF-8 from the CGI, template, as well as the content itself.
Is there anyway to map those 2 characters to their standard counterparts? Most of my content editors edit the content in word and use a aplication to convert this to XHTML 1.0 Strict. However those characters are allowed so they pass through to the content pages. So I would prefer to handle this programmatically rather then scearh and replace against the hundreds of pages everytime they are reloaded.
Is there anyway to map those 2 characters to their standard counterparts? Most of my content editors edit the content in word and use a aplication to convert this to XHTML 1.0 Strict. However those characters are allowed so they pass through to the content pages. So I would prefer to handle this programmatically rather then scearh and replace against the hundreds of pages everytime they are reloaded.