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How can I display an image with a databased generated page?

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  • How can I display an image with a databased generated page?


    I have a webstore where all my content is stored in a database. I would like it so that when our customers are searching for an item the searchresult will display the thumbnail to that item.

    Right now I just can't seem to get it to work. This is how it looks:
    <div class="result_image">
    <a href="
    <img class="result_image"
    The image is not m_artikelsida but should be m_102923 whitch is the itemnumber for that perticular item. Is this even possible with zoomsearch?

    I've been at it all morning and I'm getting a little frustrated...

  • #2
    First you should read the FAQ for adding images to search results.

    In your case the the name of your pages (artikelsida.asp) bears no resemblance to the name of your images files (m_102923). So the standard method of linking pages and images via their file names is not going to work here.

    In this case you probalby need to edit your ASP script so that it outputs some additional meta data. i.e.
    <meta name="ZOOMIMAGE" content="/m_102923.jpg">

    This assumes your image file is located in the root directory of your site.


    • #3
      I've already read the FAQ, but it only got me so far. Hence the question here.

      Would this be possible? <meta name="ZOOMIMAGE" content="art/m_<%=Request.QueryString("artikelnr")%>.jpg">
      Will the indexer read this properly?


      • #4
        That is ASP code. So long as your server supports ASP scripting for the page you specify this on, and you index your website with Spider Mode in Zoom, you will be able to index this as needed.

        See this FAQ for more information:
        Q. Does Zoom work for a dynamically generated site? (with PHP/ASP generated content)
        Wrensoft Web Software
        Sydney, Australia
        Zoom Search Engine


        • #5
          It worked...

          It worked. Now I just have to make sure all of my thumbnail is named correctly....

          Thank you for the help.

