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Re-indexing overwrites the search.php

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  • Re-indexing overwrites the search.php

    I had successfully created my own search engine (with default ZSE config.) but I tried to do something different with the look. I tried to make like 's search engine, because of that i made changes at search.php. But as i re-indexed, the results page back to default settings.

    Is there a way to not overwrite the search.php file after re-indexing? I am just a beginner. I dont dare to make changes in the advanced tab as i will probably end up with a mess.

    Appreciate your instant reply. Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    In most cases, you do not need to modify the "search.php" script. Most layout and appearance changes can be made by modifying the template, using CSS, or editing the ZLANG language files. The search page on this website ( for example, did not involve any changes to the search script.

    So you should first take a look at whether this is truly necessary, and consult the following FAQs on how to customize the layout and appearance of your search page:

    There's also lots of information in chapter 5 and 6 of the Users Guide:

    If you absolutely must modify the search script, you should store a copy of it in a different folder, and specify the path on the "Advanced" tab of the Configuration window ("Custom script source path").
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine

