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What is the unique word limit?

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  • What is the unique word limit?

    On this page:

    It says 500.000 for the professional edition, but on my version (5.1) it will only allow 300.000.

  • #2
    The limit for the Pro edition is 500,000 unique words (with no fixed limit on the total number of words indexed).

    But there is a 2nd limit placed on the PHP and ASP indexing options. This limit is 300,000 unique words and is in place for all editions of the software. While technically possible to go past 300,000 unique words, the resulting set of index files would be large, and it would load up the server and searches would be slow.

    So we suggest using the CGI option for large sets of index files. The CGI option can be between 10 and 50 times faster than the ASP and PHP options.

    Note that the English language has only about 50,000 words in common use. So 300,000 is enough for the majority of sites.


    • #3
      The following is the error message displayed in Zoom when you try to enter a limit of more than 300,000 unique words when you have either PHP or ASP selected:

      Invalid number for maxwords entered.
      There is a technical limit of 300,000 unique words with the search platform
      selected. While it is technically feasible to index this many words, the load
      and server requirements would be an issue. Please specify a lower limit.

      If you need to index a site over this limit, you must select the CGI platform.
      We do recommend reading the message boxes that popup, as we tried to make this clear.
      Last edited by Ray; Jun-26-2007, 12:42 AM.
      Wrensoft Web Software
      Sydney, Australia
      Zoom Search Engine

