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.searchheading This class doen't appear on the results page

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  • .searchheading This class doen't appear on the results page


    I'm trying to change the 'Search results for:' at the moment it's green. I've added the class .searchheading into my file but it doesn't work since there is no class .searchheading

    <b><div style="color:green">Search results for: talent management</div><br /></b>

    Can someone help?

  • #2
    You have clearly modified the search script. Needless to say, if you remove the CSS class from the search script's source code, it will, naturally, no longer be there.

    The default search script provided does not generate the heading HTML you've pasted above, and the default was never green. Perhaps your colleague(s) have made changes to the script that you are unaware of.

    Revert back to the default search script generated by Zoom, and you will have the searchheading DIV class intact and allowing you to modify the appearance via CSS.
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine

