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SWF indexing

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  • SWF indexing

    hi everyone,

    just wanted to know when search for a specific word it is not listed more then once in the search results if it is found more then once in an swf ?


  • #2
    Are you referring to the context description? Where the text from the page content appears with the matched word and the surrounding words. This does not list all occurances of the words on the page, so, no, it is not indicative of how many times the word was found in the file.

    The number of times the word was found in the file is reflected in the relevance score given to the file - however this does not directly correspond to the number of times the word is found, as the scoring is calculated through weighting, scaling, and other measures. For more information on the scoring system, see this FAQ:

    FYI, the "Terms matched" value corresponds to the number of terms in your search query that was found. So if you were searching for "cat dog", and the word "cat" was found 10 times in a document, but the word "dog" was not found at all, then it would say, "Terms matched: 2".
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