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Can users turn off highlighting on pages?

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  • Can users turn off highlighting on pages?

    If I provide the "Jump to match and..." option, can users turn off the highlighting if it becomes bothersome?

    In testing, I've found some pages that have a search term multiple times in multiple paragraphs, and I suspect that users might want to turn it off when confronted by a sea of yellow blocks.



  • #2
    The web designer controls the setting. The user can't easily change the behaviour once set by the designer. They could edit the URL to remove the highlighting flag. But that is beyond most users.


    • #3
      Alternatively, you could change the css span color to something a little less glaring to tone down the highlighting.


      • #4
        Great minds...

        dps1, I had already started considering that very idea if I couldn't get an actual "turn-off" solution!

        Now I can present our options to the doc team and see if we can arrive at a consensus (not always easy).



        • #5
          Users Changing CSS Span Colour


          I agree that the highlighting can be annoying for users. I have seen other sites that allow the users to remove the highlighting.

          Perhaps there is a way to allow the user to change the CSS Span Colour?

          Please let me know if this is helpful or if you found a better solution?




          • #6
            Yes, the web designer can implement a Javascript which changes the CSS span colour dynamically when the website visitor clicks on a link or button. That is, I presume, what dps1 was originally referring to in his above post. It is also part of the reason why the highlighting was implemented with CSS - to allow this flexibility.

            This is a common web design technique, and you see it often on sites which allow you to change themes, or make fonts bigger, etc. You can find more information searching online for "change css with javascript" or "dynamic css changes". Here are some examples of tutorials of the many that are out there:
            Wrensoft Web Software
            Sydney, Australia
            Zoom Search Engine

