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disable the jump part of highlighting

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  • disable the jump part of highlighting

    would it be possible (and if so how) to disable the jump function of the highlight script, just leaving the word highlighting part. Reason I ask is, I think it is what is preventing my floating menu from working.
    Pete Vickerstaff
    MG F/TF Central

  • #2
    You would need to edit the hightlight script to do this. A small change to the jumpHL() function should do this. For example change,
    var d=getElement("highlight");
    var d=null;


    • #3
      thanks for the reply, I'll take a look.
      Pete Vickerstaff
      MG F/TF Central


      • #4
        Did anyone try disabling the jump part of the highlight/jump function?
        Did it work with javascript rollover menus on the same page?

        I've read the posts and support on the problem of having this function work with other javascript and rollover menu scripts on the same page, but I'm not asking for debugging, just a suggestion to split functions.

        If it does work could we possibly have 3 options in the (configuration)>(results layout tab) in a future software patch:

        1) highlight words matched in search results page
        2) highlight words matched within destination/document page
        3) highlight and jump to words matched within destination/document page

        Oh, I'm using enterprise version 5, I just didn't want to start a new thread.

        Last edited by dfazakas; Jan-16-2007, 03:26 AM. Reason: addition...


        • #5
          We can consider doing that for a future release.

          In the meantime however, we can make it an easier change for the end user to disable the "jumping" option. As of Version 5.0.1002, you can disable the "jump to" / scrolling functionality by changing the following setting on the first page of the "highlight.js" script:

          // If you wish to disable the jump functionality which scrolls the browser
          // to the first occurance of the matched word, change this setting to false
          var JumpToFirstOccurance = [b]false[/b];
          Wrensoft Web Software
          Sydney, Australia
          Zoom Search Engine


          • #6
            Thanks Ray, for making the code change easy.

