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How to get zoom search working in .net2 masterpage?

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  • How to get zoom search working in .net2 masterpage?

    I am having trouble getting the functionality working in a .net master page. The issue is that there is already a form element in the page that i can not remove and it is not possible to embed the zoom search code between this form tag. Can anyone help?

  • #2
    Oh in addition

    How do I get the results of the search coming up in my template?


    • #3
      Have you looked at our FAQ and support page on using Zoom with .NET?

      I am not sure what you mean when you say your existing form element is not allowing you to embed the search code. What code are we talking about, and what form element are you referring to? Could you give us a URL to the page in question?

      The search form, as well as the results of the search should appear in the .NET page you create, if you follow the instructions in the URL above.
      Wrensoft Web Software
      Sydney, Australia
      Zoom Search Engine


      • #4
        Example Site

        The actual URL is

        I have it going to some degree now, the issue that I have now is that when I click on the more link the url goes to the search.cgi which is not in the template. How can I work around that?

        I have included your code as mentioned in the FAQS, however, I had to build my own form. On the button click, I have done a response.redirect to the search.aspx page and added the appropriate values in the query string.

        Becuase of the master pages it is functioning a little different than to a simple generic page. Is this clear?


        • #5
          Problem solved

          User error. Found the option to change the linkback URL. Cheers.

