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windows security alert bar

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  • windows security alert bar

    i download a trail verison and i try to indexing pages that exist in a cd (or local drive) with javascript option but i faced a problem that when i run it a security ALERT appeared and i have to click on it to allow thae javescript to run
    what i have to do to avoid like this trouble
    thank u

  • #2
    This is an Internet Explorer setting.

    By default, you will get a security alert in Internet Explorer when you try to open ANY page with Javascript from a local folder (such as a CD drive). However, it will not display this alert when the page is on a website (or remote folder).

    The only way to change this behaviour is to change your security settings in IE ("Tools" -> "Internet Options" -> "Security").
    Wrensoft Web Software
    Sydney, Australia
    Zoom Search Engine


    • #3
      Update: We've found a way around this. Using what is known as a "Mark Of The Web" (MOTW), you can specify your search page to run under the "Internet zone" of the security settings, as opposed to the "Local Intranet zone" used for pages stored locally on your hard disk or CD drive.

      So you can avoid this security alert from popping up by simply adding the following text to the top of your search.html file:

      <!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->
      We plan to add this to the default search.html file in the new versions.

      Of course, this is only recommended if your search page does not contain any other Javascript which requires Local Intranet security settings (eg. scripts that need to read, write, or execute files from the disk).

      More information from Microsoft here:
      Wrensoft Web Software
      Sydney, Australia
      Zoom Search Engine


      • #4
        Second update: Turns out the above method wasn't as straight-forward as we initially thought and hoped. More information here:

        We will not be including this in the default search page for the next version due to the reasons explained in the above linked thread.
        Wrensoft Web Software
        Sydney, Australia
        Zoom Search Engine

