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Searching for phrases containing equals signs

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  • Searching for phrases containing equals signs

    My site contains a number of words in the following format: =A1=, =A2=, =A3=, and so on. In my search results, a space separates each equals sign from the alphanumeric characters, e.g. = A1 =, = A2 =, = A3 =, etc.

    When users search for =A1=, I'm looking for the parser to find = A1 = in the index. While I'm able to modify the inputted text, I get the following error:

    The following word(s) are in the skip word list and have been omitted from your search: "= A1 ="
    Note that you can not search for exact phrases beginning with a skipped word.

    Is there any way to get around this?

    Also, on an unrelated note, what are the rules re: retaining the copyright notice with the professional edition?

  • #2
    Equal signs are considered to be a character that seperates a word. Like a space character.

    will be indexed as two words. Dog and Cat.

    will be indexed as three numbers.

    So if you search for the word without the equals signs you should find it.

    By default Zoom skips 'words' that are shorter than two characters. You can adjust this down to 1 character from the "Skip options" tab in Zoom.



    • #3
      Thanks for clarfying things. Is it possible that a future release will give the option of treating = as a character that joins words?

      Also, any word on the copyright text?


      • #4
        If you are refering to the copyright text in the source code of the script. Then yes you should leave it. But the end user can never see the source code, so I am guessing you are really refering to the "Powered by Zoom" message. Which the end user does see.

        This message cen be removed by using the check box on the "search page" tab. The check box is "Show Zoom info line".


        • #5
          Originally posted by Wrensoft
          So if you search for the word without the equals signs you should find it.

          By default Zoom skips 'words' that are shorter than two characters. You can adjust this down to 1 character from the "Skip options" tab in Zoom.
          When my users search for the term, they're likely to include the equals signs.

          My current solution involves stripping the equals signs out of the input before the search query is run. This works, unless one of the enclosed phrases is found elsewhere on the site, e.g. "=info=" and "info".

          Also, even when I adjust the skip settings to 1 character, a lone equals sign is always skipped. Why is this?


          • #6
            All single punctuation characters, by themselves, are skipped. There's little meaning in searching for all instances of a single punctuation character. As David implied in his above example, "dog=cat" is only indexed as two separate words "dog" and "cat". The equals sign itself is not indexed.
            Wrensoft Web Software
            Sydney, Australia
            Zoom Search Engine

