Greetings Wrensoft,
I have a question about Zoom.
But first, here's a bit of background.:
Our workgroup has a type of Link Directory that we work off of heavily each day for assistance in locating people and resources.
This directory typically links to HTML pages, Word docs, Excel spreadsheets.... and folders. Yes, just plain folders on servers here. When you click on a folder link, you're taken to a Windows Explorer folder, showing you what files are in that directory.
I need Zoom to be able to scan / index the documents in these folders. There is no HTML page linked directly to these documents. (Typically, the contents of these folders is somewhat dynamic... as different teams here own them and update them.)
Can Zoom index based on paths / urls to folders ?
A typical path / "link" in our directory looks like this:
file://thatserver/ipublic/Web/Service Process/~Outage_Summary/~Outage Instructions/Event Notes
-= Dave =-
I have a question about Zoom.
But first, here's a bit of background.:
Our workgroup has a type of Link Directory that we work off of heavily each day for assistance in locating people and resources.
This directory typically links to HTML pages, Word docs, Excel spreadsheets.... and folders. Yes, just plain folders on servers here. When you click on a folder link, you're taken to a Windows Explorer folder, showing you what files are in that directory.
I need Zoom to be able to scan / index the documents in these folders. There is no HTML page linked directly to these documents. (Typically, the contents of these folders is somewhat dynamic... as different teams here own them and update them.)
Can Zoom index based on paths / urls to folders ?
A typical path / "link" in our directory looks like this:
file://thatserver/ipublic/Web/Service Process/~Outage_Summary/~Outage Instructions/Event Notes
-= Dave =-