I just purchased Zoom Pro this afternoon and I was expecting to make Zoom retrieve all context descriptions for a single search term... I am finding out that this might not be possible ?.... so I wonder now might this option be in a soon to be released version ? I have 26 files of a Bulletin totalling about 25MB in html in a protected directory ( with a requirement for a CD version eventually ) and my client won't settle for just 1 instance of a found word in the results, he wants all the instances of the searched terms plus a 30 to 40 word context for each instance... If this is not to be available in Zoom are there possibilities that I be refunded since your program although in other respects is excellent, it will be ususable for the mandate I have been given. I couldn't really test your free program since I needed to know how it would react to my number of files and MB.... what I would really prefer is to have the option to Retrieve multiple context descriptions for a single search term rather than be reimbursed though.
Thanks !
Thanks !