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Brand new user with some questions

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  • Brand new user with some questions


    What I'm seeking is to exclude all pages and focus only one page of the site. It seems rather annoying to type all exclusions on the indexer every time (skip option). Is there a way it's saved and it'll be only highlighted to delete or add a new page, etc.

    isn't working so I used form "GET", action, etc. Am I missing something?

    On the page where I put the search form on, I tested it by using a word phrase, instead it didn't pick that one up but picked some from other pages which I had put in skip option.

    Kindly advise with thanks,

  • #2
    ...exclude all pages and focus only one page of the site
    Maybe I have missed something. Why do you need a search engine if you only have one page to search?

    You can save a configuration with the File / Save configuration menu option.

    Can you elaborate on "isn't working" and why you switched to using HTTP GET. Can you also post the URL to your search function with details of the words searched for and the results you expected.



    • #3
      Thanks for your reply.

      Indeed, it seems strange that only one page is what I wanted to put the search engine. The page is very long. It's a list of contents from magazines. If printed on 8x11 it would print at least 15 pages. For example, if a visitor wants to look for articles by a certain author, I'm hoping that the search engine would bring all the articles from the page.

      I put in the spot where I wanted in the html page but when uploaded to the remote server, nothing shows. When I restored to a simple search button as per your GET, action script, it shows up.



      • #4
        Originally posted by tabbycat
        Indeed, it seems strange that only one page is what I wanted to put the search engine. The page is very long. It's a list of contents from magazines. If printed on 8x11 it would print at least 15 pages. For example, if a visitor wants to look for articles by a certain author, I'm hoping that the search engine would bring all the articles from the page.
        Zoom will only return the page as a single result. I presume this is not what you are after. It will not be able to link to different parts of the same page and treat each one as a separate search result.

        I put in the spot where I wanted in the html page but when uploaded to the remote server, nothing shows. When I restored to a simple search button as per your GET, action script, it shows up.
        I think you may be a bit confused as to the use of the ZOOMSEARCH tag. I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve from this, so I'll just point a few things out:

        The tag only works in the "search_template.html" file. Note that it must be on a separate line of its own.

        If you are trying to place a search form on your other web pages (beside the search page), please see this FAQ:
        Wrensoft Web Software
        Sydney, Australia
        Zoom Search Engine

