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V8 beta release now available

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  • radiodavid
    I discovered the thread usage control under scan options. Set at 10 threads, less than 30% CPU usage and about 7 times faster than 7.1.

    Files upload faster on this version, but they don't seem to be able to rename from *.tmp to the actual names. I get the message shown in the attachment. Click image for larger version

Name:	V8 Upload Fail.jpg
Views:	412
Size:	10.7 KB
ID:	35215

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  • radiodavid
    I just installed V8 and it is between 200% and 300% faster, and I note it is using multiple threads. Is there any way to set it to use more than the default 3 threads?

    I also love the fact that it launched as a 64 bit app without having to specifically look for that version.

    One bug: when files being indexed are very long, the display "URL" field can not be opened to be wider to display the full path and file names.

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  • Ray
    started a topic V8 beta release now available

    V8 beta release now available

    Hi everyone,

    Zoom V8 is finally in beta and available for download.

    The beta release will currently accept V7 license keys.

    However, please note the final V8 release will require upgrade keys. Any body who has purchased Zoom within 6 months of the final release date will get a Free Upgrade key. Older users will be able to purchase the upgrade at a discounted cost of the full license.

    Major new features introduced in V8 include:
    • OCR (Optical Character Recognition): Index and search for text that appear in images (Win10 only)
    • Broad numeric matching: Allow for better searching of currency values and part numbers (e.g. $12,300.99 will match 12300 and 12300.99)
    • Multi-threaded Offline Mode indexing: Up to 3x faster offline indexing. Engine was nearly totally re-written to be multi-threaded.
    • Performance improvement: Overall indexing speed and memory usage has been optimized, to index more pages and faster than previous versions.
    • RAM drive: Reduce indexing speed for plugin processing files (e.g. PDF, DOC, PPT, images, etc.)
    • New revamped FTP engine featuring SFTP and FTPS (SSL/TLS) support
    • http:// and https:// URL insensitive: Better support for sites which switch between HTTP and HTTPS.
    • 64-bit Indexer is no longer limited to Enterprise Edition. Automatic installation of 64-bit indexer on all 64-bit Windows OS.
    • Many other bug fixes and improvements.

    Please let us know if you have any questions or trouble with the release.

    UPDATE: The final V8 release is now available (6/March/2019)