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V8 beta release now available

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  • Ray
    Have replied to you via email. Bug is confirmed and fixed for the next release. Please see your email for a patch.

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  • Tapio
    I just emailed you some sample files with the Zoom v8b2 configuration file. Hope you are able to reproduce the situation.
    I use PHP platform, which I can fairly easily modify to meet my needs. My PC is Win10, 64bit.

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  • Ray
    Tapio -- can you confirm that you are:
    1) Using the CGI platform option (and if so which OS in particular, e.g. CGI/Win32)
    2) Have updated the search index with V8 making sure to update all .zdat files and also the search.cgi as generated by Zoom V8.

    If you have confirmed the above, would it be possible to zip up your test case with the small files and your indexer configuration and email this to us. We can then try to reproduce the situation here.

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  • Tapio

    I checked the behavior of "Surrounding words" in Zoom_v8_beta2, which bug was reported in a thread under Zoom V7, posted Nov 7th 2018.

    The fix in V8b2 made a difference, but not an improvement. As told, I have lots of small files, with context description size of 1000 words (to ensure showing the entire text in result page). Total number words in the first 6 files are close to 500. Link text to the file itself is taken from the title field.

    In changed behavior, if I search a word in any of those first six files, the quoted text in the result page is always the text from the second file!! However, the link text and link to the file itself is correct, only the quoted text is from wrong file, in files # 1 and 3 to 6.

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  • radiodavid
    One interesting thing: I have one search project that has 73 categories, and index 4,345,000 PDF files. When I get a results display, it shows, where normally there would just be the one search category the found matches would go (to the right of the file name and in brackets) I get a listing of all 73 categories, going on for line after line....

    Attachment 1 is a couple of result finds from an actual search, and Attachment 2 is the search page showing the categories.
    Attached Files

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  • David
    Blue box is just an icon for decoration. It doesn't serve any other purpose.

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  • firstrebel
    Originally posted by Ray View Post
    Hi Bob,

    Noted the visual problems that needs to be fixed.

    According to your index summary, it seems like V8 encountered 18 more errors, and 700 less PDF files. So that would be a good place to start figuring out what happened.

    Can you e-mail us the full index log file from V8 (and for comparison, the V7 file) and we can take a look at what these errors might be.

    Would also be of help if you can zip up the two sets of index files for us to download.


    EDIT: We fixed a bug yesterday with http and https. This bug caused some files to be skipped when a http:// to https:// redirection occurred. Your problems may be related to this but if you send us the files, we would be able to confirm it.

    Your email was correct about file size. It seems that when I imported the config file from v7.1 the file size defaulted to 2Mb. Number are now back up. Thanks.

    One thing I noticed in Beta 2 is the strange blue box under search form appearance.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	zoom_beta2.jpg
Views:	610
Size:	24.2 KB
ID:	35266

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  • Ray
    V8 beta 2 is now available on the beta release page.

    We have fixed a number of bugs including:
    - Fixed bug with error message "Error: CRC for URL clashed" which caused some pages redirecting from http:// to https:// to not be indexed in Spider Mode. (does not affect Offline mode)
    - Fixed bug with 'No title' appearing for PDF files
    - Fixed bug with HTML tags appearing in PDF context and indexed content
    - Fixed bug with not indexing file dates in Offline Mode for PDF files and some other file types.
    - Fixed bug with FTP upload rename operation (causing error message "FTP rename failed: QUOT command failed with 550")
    - Fixed various GUI and Help file issues

    Outstanding issues (we will look at these after the Christmas break):
    - There is a timing issue when running with multiple threads in Spider Mode that may cause a freeze-up on some computers.
    - FTP upload may timeout for very large files.
    - Version and build numbers are not incrementing for the beta releases yet, we will fix this too.

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  • Ray
    Hi Bob,

    Noted the visual problems that needs to be fixed.

    According to your index summary, it seems like V8 encountered 18 more errors, and 700 less PDF files. So that would be a good place to start figuring out what happened.

    Can you e-mail us the full index log file from V8 (and for comparison, the V7 file) and we can take a look at what these errors might be.

    Would also be of help if you can zip up the two sets of index files for us to download.


    EDIT: We fixed a bug yesterday with http and https. This bug caused some files to be skipped when a http:// to https:// redirection occurred. Your problems may be related to this but if you send us the files, we would be able to confirm it.

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  • firstrebel
    Here is another inconsistency.

    This is the search page for 7.1

    And if you search on xc40 it brings up 4 pages.

    Using v8

    it brings up 3 pages.


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  • firstrebel
    I used the 64-bit version of v8 and it took 8 minutes compared with 30 minutes for v7.1. The zoom_pagetext.zdat file is down from 210,000kb to 45,000kb. I hope that is through compression and not less text.

    No major issues so far.


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  • firstrebel
    I have just run v8 for the first time and have a few things to point out.

    The first is the error in the display of "CPU load information" which appears on the bottom left.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	zoom8-1b.jpg
Views:	383
Size:	47.8 KB
ID:	35231

    The second is that after the indexing is complete there is still one thread showing 85%

    Click image for larger version

Name:	zoom8-2b.jpg
Views:	629
Size:	25.9 KB
ID:	35232

    The last is the different number of files indexed between v8 and v7.1. In the attachment v8 is on the left and v7.1 on the right.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	zoom_statsb.jpg
Views:	409
Size:	142.7 KB
ID:	35233


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  • firstrebel
    I take it this will install in a different location on a Windows PC and can be used alongside V7.1 on the server?


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  • radiodavid
    Good news as I continue to use and enjoy V8. I tried one of my larger projects, which has over 1.2 million pages, many of them large newspaper-dimension and tabloid sized. It scanned at a rate of 440,000 pages an hour. With Version 7.1 I was lucky to get 45,000 pages an hour. Same computer, but using maximum number of cores! Wonderful improvement. I've been a user since 2010, and I am really excited by this upgrade.

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  • Ray
    Thanks for the bug report. We've reproduced the rename bug with FTP. It will be fixed in the next beta build.

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