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Will Indexer stay open if there are Errors/Warnings during a Scheduled run?

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  • Will Indexer stay open if there are Errors/Warnings during a Scheduled run?

    I am using 7.0 (1017). I have used the Zoom Scheduler to setup automatic Spider Indexing. I am wondering if Zoom will stay open (instead of closing when done, as seems to be the default behavior) if there are any Errors or Warnings during the Indexing process? I'm just concerned that the Indexer could be running repeatedly and encountering errors and I would never know.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • #2
    If you use the Auto-run options then the app should automatically run and then close itself.

    From the Help file.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Auto-run-command-line.png
Views:	182
Size:	74.6 KB
ID:	38260

    If you want to see what has happened, there is an option to write out a log file in the Configuration setup.


    • #3
      Hmm, okay -- so it sounds like there is no way to get notified only if there were Errors or Warnings during indexing. That's a bummer, as I would find that very helpful. Maybe this could be a feature addition in a future version?


      • #4
        Pretty much all significant web sites throw some errors or warnings. Broken links, bad HTML, etc...

        But I asked our AI overlords to write a script for you to parse the log file looking for Errors and Warnings. Here it is.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Scan-log-for errors.png
Views:	176
Size:	103.3 KB
ID:	38264


        • #5
          Thank you so much for this, and I apologize for the extremely delayed reply! I never seem to receive email notifications from the Zoom forum, and I apparently have not logged in for quite some time. But I appreciate you posting this for me!

