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Same content indexed for each page of the site?

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  • Same content indexed for each page of the site?

    Hi there,

    We recently re-designed our website and now seem to have some problems with the zoom search engine ...

    When we enter certain keywords it seems that the SRP shows every page on the site with exactly the same content indexed for each page, I've tried re-indexing the site multiple times w/ various changes to the configuration but it does not seem to make a difference. Below is a search for "aspirin". The SRP shows results of pages that do not have the term on the page, plus it shows the same content for each page.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	screencap1.jpg
Views:	172
Size:	122.3 KB
ID:	37641

    It also seems to not index all pages as certain results are clearly missing for certain search terms.
    Other search terms seem to show the correct results. So it is quite confusing.

    I must have re-configured something completely off but cannot figure out what it is.


  • #2
    Sorry about the slow response. I think you are using V7 of Zoom on your site and we no longer support this old version.

    But I just had a look at your site today and it seems like the problem was fixed. My guess is that you were indexing the content of your navigation bar which was probably the same on all pages.

