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Spider PDF permalink on Drupal

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  • Spider PDF permalink on Drupal

    I have a small stand-alone site in Drupal and the pages have "permalinks" to PDF files due to the use of a document library. So, the code on the page has no extension: <a href=">Important PDF</a>
    If you click on that permalink it redirects to the actual file:

    Is there a way to get zoom search to follow this permalink and spider the PDF file after the redirect so it comes up as a result? If I were to search for "important pdf" it would only give me the containing page as a result with no second result linking to the PDF file. Please help!

    *Permalinks stay the same but the destination changes if you update the PDF file in the document library.

  • #2
    Zoom follows redirects. So there should be no problem indexing the PDF file.

    There is an option on the "indexing options" screen to index "Link text". That is, if a text link appears on "pageA.html" to "imageB.jpg", with the link text (or ALT text) "picture of my pets", then these words will be indexed for the file "imageB.jpg", and NOT for "pageA.html".

    Not sure if the link text is carried across redirects however. Might be just for direct links.

    Other solutions would be to use .desc files for the PDF files, or just include the important text about the PDF in the PDF itself. Either as content or metadata.

