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Can you tell me if you can use Zoom Search to search a site?

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  • Can you tell me if you can use Zoom Search to search a site?

    I have my site I am trying out zoomsearch on it and so far I like how easy it is to use and it appears simple to customize.

    One thing I cannot due at this time is figure out how to search my blog and report the results on my main page.

    My blog is

    Can someone tell me if this can be done and if so give me a pointer to how to get it to work. I get the following error
    --Could not download file: (File size limit exceeded)--


  • #2
    > (File size limit exceeded)

    This is cause your home page is so large (~210KB, before any images and scripts are taken into account). This problem can be avoided by increasing the limit from the 'limits' configuration window. Or decreasing the size of your home page.


    • #3
      Went ahead and purchased. Partly working

      The advice to up the file size worked up to a point.

      I am getting the error (blocked by extension list)

      Again suggestions would help. I know that my site is searched by the main search engines yahoo, google, bing etc.

      I am not sure where to change this setting.


      • #4
        > blocked by extension list

        Means the indexer found a file type that is not in the list of file types to index. e.g Found a .PDF file when you don't have .PDF files selected for indexing.

        You can add file types from the "Scan options" configuration window. If you have URLs on your site without a file type, i.e. the URL ends without having .xxx something at the end, then you should also select the "Scan files with no extension" check box.

