Zoom was rated 4.8 out of 5, at HotScripts.com
"Zoom Search Engine has nice features that help it stand out in a bleak, speed-conscious, and all-purpose search indexing world — and it works without a hitch." - Ahmad Permessur, Editor - HotScripts.com
Read the full Zoom Search Review here,
"Zoom Search Engine has nice features that help it stand out in a bleak, speed-conscious, and all-purpose search indexing world — and it works without a hitch." - Ahmad Permessur, Editor - HotScripts.com
- It's easy to install and configure.
- It includes its own spidering tool and doesn't rely on external web services or search APIs.
- The search result page is customizable via HTML and CSS and be skinned easily to match your site’s design.
- It supports indexing for popular file formats including PDF, MS Office files and image files.
- There are tons of configuration options to fully control indexing and search results.
- It sports a state-of-the-art ranking algorithm that provides relevant, accurate and quick search results.
- The desktop indexer application runs under Windows only. (However, the search engine portion works on most major platforms.)
Read the full Zoom Search Review here,