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Content repeats on single result

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  • Content repeats on single result

    Hi there,

    I have a problem described exactly by broman on one of his posts:

    I guess the best way I can give an example is if you your create a webpage with only this in it.

    bubbles hello wow blah stuff

    And you search for the following

    bubbles hello

    Your result looks like this...

    1. No title [Support & Drivers]
    ... bubbles hello wow blah stuff ... hello wow blah stuff ...
    URL: http://dcc6577/id-software-support-and-upgrades/tru-photo-solution

    You can see from above that to a user it looks like the context description is repeated. That is what my users are complaining about. They would like to see only this.

    1. No title [Support & Drivers]
    ... bubbles hello wow blah stuff
    URL: http://dcc6577/id-software-support-and-upgrades/tru-photo-solution
    --end quote--

    My content description is repeating itself inside a single search result when the search is muti word. I see at the end of this thread the issue was recognised as legitimate and a fix was set for version 6, build 1010.
    I have version 6, build 1024, but the problem persists.
    Any ideas?

  • #2
    Can you post a real example, or the URL for your site and the search words used.

    We can't debug your problem when you post a fictitious example from someone else's site.

    It might be normal behavior depending on the search words used and the context on the page.


    • #3
      real example

      i cannot post a url as in the develpment stage this is not internet facing. however, here is a real example:

      this is a document to index:


      Set the focus of a UserForm control


      This article demonstrates the technique of giving the focus to a control on a UserForm to facilitate user entry.


      Testing of UserForm inputs (Validation), SetFocus method (UserForm), Controls on UserFrom (Focus), Click (Event procedures), Exit Sub statement, Footer from UserForm input (Print)

      This is the search terms used:
      active control focus

      this is the context given back by zoom via xml (inside the <zoom:context> tag):

      Summary:This article demonstrates the technique of giving the focus to a control on a UserForm to facilitate user entry.;
      Keywords:Testing of UserForm inputs (Validation), SetFocus method (UserForm), Controls on UserFrom (Focus), Click (Event procedures), Exit Sub statement, Footer from UserForm input (Print);
      Excel versions:Excel 97, Excel 2000, Excel XP (2002), Excel 2003 Summary:This article demonstrates the technique of giving the focus to a control on a UserForm to facilitate user entry.;
      Keywords:Testing of UserForm inputs (Validation), SetFocus method (UserForm), Controls on UserFrom (Focus), Click (Event procedures), Exit Sub statement, Footer from UserForm input (Print);
      Excel versions:Excel 97, Excel 2000, Excel XP (2002), Excel 2003

      as you can see, the context repeats itself.


      • #4
        It is hard to see how words like "Excel 2003" can appear in your search results when these words don't appear in the document you posted. I suspect you haven't posted the full content of the source document.

        It would be much quicker if we had access to the full actual HTML source document (and not just part of the text), the actual search results (in XML if you are using XML output) and your Zoom configuration file.


        • #5

          You are correct that i did not post the complete article. sorry, my bad.

          here it is:
          Summary: this article demonstrates the technique of giving the focus to a control on a userform to facilitate user entry.;
          Keywords: testing of userform inputs (validation), setfocus method (userform), controls on userfrom (focus), click (event procedures), exit sub statement, footer from userform input (print);
          Excel versions: excel 97, excel 2000, excel xp (2002), excel 2003

          the complete html is:
          <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

          <html xmlns="">

          Set the focus of a UserForm control

          </title><meta name="ZOOMCATEGORY" content="Classic" /></head>
          <form method="post" action="readsnippet.aspx?id=VB01403" id="form1">
          <div class="aspNetHidden">
          <input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="/wEPDwUJODAwMjkwNDA0D2QWAgIDD2QWAgIBDw8WAh4EVGV4dAX +AlN1bW1hcnk6IFRoaXMgYXJ0aWNsZSBkZW1vbnN0cmF0ZXMgd GhlIHRlY2huaXF1ZSBvZiBnaXZpbmcgdGhlIGZvY3VzIHRvIGE gY29udHJvbCBvbiBhIFVzZXJGb3JtIHRvIGZhY2lsaXRhdGUgd XNlciBlbnRyeS4NOyBLZXl3b3JkczogVGVzdGluZyBvZiBVc2V yRm9ybSBpbnB1dHMgKFZhbGlkYXRpb24pLCBTZXRGb2N1cyBtZ XRob2QgKFVzZXJGb3JtKSwgQ29udHJvbHMgb24gVXNlckZyb20 gKEZvY3VzKSwgQ2xpY2sgKEV2ZW50IHByb2NlZHVyZXMpLCBFe Gl0IFN1YiBzdGF0ZW1lbnQsIEZvb3RlciBmcm9tIFVzZXJGb3J tIGlucHV0IChQcmludCkNOyBFeGNlbCB2ZXJzaW9uczogRXhjZ WwgOTcsIEV4Y2VsIDIwMDAsIEV4Y2VsIFhQICgyMDAyKSwgRXh jZWwgMjAwMw1kZGQkqWHF8gxMmmgocBWzWQbqIU6qBxzk5STZ7 d1F4eeq5A==" />

          <span id="lblSnippet">Summary: This article demonstrates the technique of giving the focus to a control on a UserForm to facilitate user entry.
          ; Keywords: Testing of UserForm inputs (Validation), SetFocus method (UserForm), Controls on UserFrom (Focus), Click (Event procedures), Exit Sub statement, Footer from UserForm input (Print)
          ; Excel versions: Excel 97, Excel 2000, Excel XP (2002), Excel 2003

          the xml recieved inside the <zoom:context> tag is:

          ... Summary: This article demonstrates the technique of giving the focus to a control on a UserForm to facilitate user entry.; Keywords: Testing of UserForm inputs (Validation), SetFocus method (UserForm), Controls on UserFrom (Focus), Click (Event procedures), Exit Sub statement, Footer from UserForm input (Print); Excel versions: Excel 97, Excel 2000, Excel XP (2002), Excel 2003 ... Summary: This article demonstrates the technique of giving the focus to a control on a UserForm to facilitate user entry.; Keywords: Testing of UserForm inputs (Validation), SetFocus method (UserForm), Controls on UserFrom (Focus), Click (Event procedures), Exit Sub statement, Footer from UserForm input (Print); Excel versions: Excel 97, Excel 2000, Excel XP (2002), Excel 2003 ...

          I am unsure what the zoom configuration file is but here is a copy of settings.zdat

          // This file is automatically generated by the Zoom Indexer application
          // and will be updated each time you re-index your site. You should make all
          // setting changes directly from the Indexer, via the Configuration window.
          // If you wish to modify the text messages such as "Search results for...",
          // etc. then look up "Zoom Language Files" or "Translating the search page"
          // in the Users Guide for information.

          UseUTF8 = 0
          Charset = "windows-1252"
          Codepage = 1252
          UseStemming = 0
          NoCharset = 0
          MapAccents = 0
          MinWordLen = 2
          Highlighting = 0
          GotoHighlight = 0
          PdfHighlight = 1
          FormFormat = 2
          Logging = 1
          LogFileName = "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Documents\\Wrensoft\\Zo om Search Engine Indexer\\Log\\searchwords.log"
          MaxKeyWordLineLen = 256
          OutputBasewordBufferSize = 43236
          OutputVariantBufferSize = 25550
          DictIDLen = 3
          NumKeywords = 5241
          NumVariants = 2800
          NumPages = 2157
          PageInfoSize = 43568
          MaxMatches = 50000
          MaxContextSeeks = 10000
          MaxSearchTime = 180
          DictReservedLimit = 165
          DictReservedSuffixes = 83
          DictReservedPrefixes = 124
          DictReservedNoSpaces = 165
          WordSplit = 1
          ZoomInfo = 1
          Timing = 1
          DefaultToAnd = 0
          SearchAsSubstring = 0
          ToLowerSearchWords = 1
          StripDiacritics = 0
          ContextSize = 200
          MaxContextKeywords = 3
          WeightProximity = 5
          AllowExactPhrase = 1
          UseLinkTarget = 0
          UseDateTime = 0
          UseZoomImage = 0
          WordJoinChars = "-_'"
          Spelling = 1
          SpellingWhenLessThan = 5
          NumSpellings = 2326
          Recommended = 1
          NumRecommended = 3
          RecommendedMax = 3
          UseCats = 1
          SearchMultiCats = 1
          DisplayCatSummary = 0
          NumCats = 3
          NumCatBytes = 1
          catnames =
          Very Old
          Very Old
          UseMetaFields = 1
          NumMetaFields = 2
          DisplayMetaFields = 1
          MetaMoneyCurrency = "&#36;"
          MetaMoneyShowDec = 1
          metafields =
          TruncateShowURL = 0
          DisplayNumber = 0
          DisplayTitle = 1
          DisplayMetaDesc = 0
          DisplayContext = 1
          DisplayTerms = 1
          DisplayScore = 1
          DisplayURL = 0
          DisplayDate = 0
          DisplayFilesize = 1
          RewriteLinks = 1
          UseXML = 1
          XMLTitle = ""
          XMLDesc = ""
          XMLURL = ""
          XMLXSLTURL = ""
          XMLOpenSearchDescURL = ""
          XMLHighlight = 0
          StartPtFailed = 0
          Version = "Version 6.0 (1023) PRO"
          STR_FORM_SEARCHFOR = "Search for:"
          STR_FORM_SUBMIT_BUTTON = "Submit"
          STR_FORM_RESULTS_PER_PAGE = "Results per page:"
          STR_FORM_CATEGORY = "Category:"
          STR_FORM_CATEGORY_ALL = "All"
          STR_FORM_MATCH = "Match:"
          STR_FORM_ANY_SEARCH_WORDS = "any search words"
          STR_FORM_ALL_SEARCH_WORDS = "all search words"
          STR_NO_QUERY = "No search query entered."
          STR_RESULTS_FOR = "Search results for:"
          STR_RESULTS_IN_ALL_CATEGORIES = "in all categories"
          STR_RESULTS_IN_CATEGORY = "in category"
          STR_POWEREDBY = "Search powered by"
          STR_NO_RESULTS = "No results"
          STR_RESULT = "result"
          STR_RESULTS = "results"
          STR_PHRASE_CONTAINS_COMMON_WORDS = "Your search query contained too many common words to return the entire set of results available. Please try again with a more specific query for better results."
          STR_SKIPPED_FOLLOWING_WORDS = "The following word(s) are in the skip word list and have been omitted from your search:"
          STR_SKIPPED_PHRASE = "Note that you can not search for exact phrases beginning with a skipped word"
          STR_SUMMARY_NO_RESULTS_FOUND = "No results found."
          STR_SUMMARY_FOUND_CONTAINING_ALL_TERMS = "found containing all search terms."
          STR_SUMMARY_FOUND_CONTAINING_SOME_TERMS = "found containing some search terms."
          STR_SUMMARY_FOUND = "found."
          STR_PAGES_OF_RESULTS = "pages of results."
          STR_MORETHAN = "More than"
          STR_POSSIBLY_GET_MORE_RESULTS = "You can possibly get more results searching for"
          STR_ANY_OF_TERMS = "any of the terms"
          STR_ALL_CATS = "all categories"
          STR_CAT_SUMMARY = "Refine your search by category:"
          STR_DIDYOUMEAN = "Did you mean:"
          STR_OR = "or"
          STR_RECOMMENDED = "Recommended links"
          STR_SORTEDBY_RELEVANCE = "Sorted by relevance"
          STR_SORTBY_RELEVANCE = "Sort by relevance"
          STR_SORTBY_DATE = "Sort by date"
          STR_SORTEDBY_DATE = "Sorted by date"
          STR_RESULT_TERMS_MATCHED = "Terms matched: "
          STR_RESULT_SCORE = "Score: "
          STR_RESULT_URL = "URL:"
          STR_RESULT_PAGES = "Result Pages:"
          STR_RESULT_PAGES_PREVIOUS = "Previous"
          STR_RESULT_PAGES_NEXT = "Next"
          STR_SEARCH_TOOK = "Search took"
          STR_SECONDS = "seconds"
          STR_MAX_RESULTS = "You have requested more results than served per query. Please try again with a more precise query."


          • #6
            So I think this is normal.
            You have only 57 words in this document. But in Zoom you asked to display a context size of 200 words (the default is 30). It doesn't make sense to ask for 200 words to be displayed when you have source files so small. So any hit in the document displays the whole document, and you have multiple words hitting content in the document.


            • #7

              Thanks for your reply.
              We have two configurations needed, one searchs alot of small documents like this, another much larger documents.
              Is there a way to save two configurations?


              • #8
                It is no problem to create multiple sets of index files. Each with it own settings. You can save different configurations from the File menu.

