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Parsing javascript links

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  • David
    I suspect we are only attempt to parse Javascript which appears inline in script tags.
    <script> </script>

    If you know what the URLs are, you can manually enter then as additional start points.

    If we aren't already parsing the onclick attribute we'll look at doing this for the next major release.

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  • danf
    started a topic Parsing javascript links

    Parsing javascript links

    I'm indexing an external site that has javascript popup links so don't have control to change these. I have the parse links in javascript checked but it doesn't seem to be intelligent enough to find these links.

    Can you confirm these types of links are not parse-able by zoom or if there is a way I can get them parsed and spidered. Here is a sample:

    HTML Code:
    <a onclick="'', 'CPB', config=settings);" href="javascript:;">URL Text</a>
    I want the to get spidered.