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Best Practice? - Location of temp files.

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  • Best Practice? - Location of temp files.

    I have the indexer running on a local workstation on the same network that the website (intranet site) is to be indexed. I have the output directory set like \\servername\sharename\folder\folder\etc

    This works but I noticed that when the indexer is running there are temp files being processed in that network folder and it seems like a performance issue. Is there a way I can specify the temp files be processed in a local directory on the workstation while its indexing and then copy the *.zdat files to the server? I see the FTP option but I do not have an option to use FTP.


  • #2
    The writing of temp files should put almost no load on the machine doing the writing. The rate data is added to these files isn't that high. And all this data needs to end up on the server in any case. So if you moved the processing to a local drive, then at the end of the indexing process you will still need to move the index files over to the server.

    But if you did want to do this, and FTP is not an option, then I would suggest making the output folder on a local drive, then writiing a DOS script to just copy the output folder to the server.


    xcopy c:\temp\zoomindex\ \\server\sharename\folder\folder\

