I have a site that is written predominantly in ColdFusion, but supports PHP and ASP as well. I have a SQL Server 2000 database which stores most of the site data. I have gone through this tutorial http://www.wrensoft.com/zoom/support/databases.html but it's not working.
This is what I don't get:
You can then index the data by providing the URL to the live "listing.php" page as the Start Spider URL in Zoom. If you have other pages to index besides this data, you may want to add it as an additional start point instead, by clicking on "More" and selecting "Add".
This is what I don't get:
You can then index the data by providing the URL to the live "listing.php" page as the Start Spider URL in Zoom. If you have other pages to index besides this data, you may want to add it as an additional start point instead, by clicking on "More" and selecting "Add".