I have a particular database search which returns 1105 results (as claimed at the top of the CGI result page). However, this also reproduces in XML.
I was unable to find documentation for this behavior in the user's guide, the forum or the FAQs, so I wanted to ask about it here. We're resizing a single scrolled window to the length of the total result count, so it really is a big deal if the result count is overestimated or the end of the results are otherwise unavailable. Underestimating the number of results would be preferrable to overestimation in this event.
- At 50 results per page, 23 pages of results are claimed, but I can only go to the 20th page, to result 1000. There are no pages beyond that.
- At 51 results per page, page 20 is still visible, going to result 1004 (!). But it is not accessible from the HTML results - I have to manually change the URL to access that page. The normal HTML results end at page 19.
- Page 20 at 52 results per page still ends at result 1004; page 20 at 53 results per page is not accessible.
I was unable to find documentation for this behavior in the user's guide, the forum or the FAQs, so I wanted to ask about it here. We're resizing a single scrolled window to the length of the total result count, so it really is a big deal if the result count is overestimated or the end of the results are otherwise unavailable. Underestimating the number of results would be preferrable to overestimation in this event.