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Required permissions cannot be acquired

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  • Required permissions cannot be acquired

    I keep getting the above error. Does this have to do with my horrible ISP security restrictions?? I have set the folder to enable "Directory Browse, Access Write". Keep in mind, I am trying to implement this with shared hosting. Yes, I know it would be easier if I had access to the server.

    What options do I have?

  • #2
    You need to supply some details before we can offer any sensible help
    - What type of host are you using (Windows with IIS I assume)?
    - What are you trying to do?
    - When do you see this error?


    • #3

      Yes, I am using Windows Shared Hosting from Network Solutions (with IIS 6 I believe)

      I index on my dev machine with Zoom Search and then copy over files to 'search' directory. I copy the .dll and the sample search.aspx page as well. Everytime I try to access to the search.aspx page, I get the Required Permission cannot be acquired error.

      After further investigation, I noticed that the error specifically points to the loading of the .dll file. I looked into it and it seems it is an issue with .dll operating under the medium trust level. I read a great article here...

      So, if they cannot grant full trust to the .dll, am I out of luck??
      What else could I try to get it to work?? I am very close to getting rid of the shared hosting environment altogether.


      • #4
        Using .NET and .ASPX is really only for experienced web developers. .NET is somewhat of a convoluted mess, which is further complicated by ISP's only making partial support available.

        I would suggest instead just using the ASP option, which should be available if this is a Windows / IIS hosting platform.


        • #5
          Ok, great.

          I have the asp version up and running but here is the problem.

          I need to integrate it into an .aspx page because I have some controls in place. I tried using a SSI include to the search.asp page within an .aspx page and I get an error like so...

          BC30289: Statement cannot appear within a method body. End of method assumed.

          Line 55: end if
          Line 56:
          Line 57: Function MapPath(path) <-----POINTS HERE
          Line 58: Dim IsHSP
          Line 59: on error resume next

          What if I would try to convert the vbscript into and just place it in the code behind?? Before I go through the trouble, would that work?? Would there be any risk??


          • #6
            I am guessing you are not en experienced .NET programmer. As such, I think it would be long and frustrating task for you to convert our 3400 lines of Classic VBScript code into VB.NET code (which we aren't going to provide support for).

            It should be simplier to either
            1) Use the native .NET control we provide (and sort out your permissions problem)
            2) Use the CGI option and call the CGI from .NET. As per this example code.
            3) Remove the other .NET controls from the page and just have a plain HTML/ ASP page.
            4) Write some of your own code to call an ASP script from ASPX. From what I have read <!-- #include virtual="filename" --> should work if used correctly.

            Integrating scripts from multiple vendors is somewhat outside of our free support. So you need to be prepared to do some debugging.

