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Sitemaps missing pages in V6

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  • Sitemaps missing pages in V6

    I can't seem to get the index to create either a Google sitemap or a Yahoo! sitemap for out site. The config used to work in 5.1 but has stopped working in 6.0. The log file says "Empty XML sitemap created (no valid URLs found). Check if your Sitemap Base URL is incorrect." The URL for the spider is "" and the base url for Google sitemap is ""



  • #2
    I think we have found a bug in the Zoom indexer.
    Only files with dates and times are being included into the sitemaps files.

    So static pages were being included, but most dynamic pages were not. This change in behaviour seems to have come about as a result of us moving to 64bit code and the index structure changing.

    We have done a new build which uses today’s date and time for files which don’t have a date and time.

    Can you test it out and confirm back to me if it corrects your problem. If it looks OK, we'll put this up as the new public release after Christmas.

    There is some debate about if we did the right thing here. It might have more sense to write out the URL, but with no date and time, rather than with today’s date and time.

    If anyone knows what Google prefers, please let us know. Dates or no dates?

    Can you test it out and confirm back to me if it corrects your problem.


    • #3
      Thanks, the new release has fixed the problem for us.


