I have sent an email but also posting here.
I get a search.cgi crash.
OS is XP Pro (SP2) 32 bit...http server is apache.
5.1 works fine to index the same site using cgi.
Scan results
14:44:57 - INDEX SUMMARY
14:44:57 - Files indexed: 8387
14:44:57 - Files skipped: 32
14:44:57 - Files filtered: 0
14:44:57 - Files downloaded: 8397
14:44:57 - Unique words found: 209260
14:44:57 - Total words found: 35528458
14:44:57 - Avg. unique words per page: 24.95
14:44:57 - Avg. words per page: 4236
14:44:57 - Start index time: 13:56:24 (2008/12/11)
14:44:57 - Elapsed index time: 00:48:33
14:44:57 - Peak physical memory used: 1220 MB
14:44:57 - Peak virtual memory used: 1593 MB
14:44:57 - Errors: 10
14:44:57 - URLs visited by spider: 8421
14:44:57 - URLs in spider queue: 0
14:44:57 - Total bytes scanned/downloaded: 3355585439
14:44:57 - File extensions:
14:44:57 - .htm indexed: 0
14:44:57 - .html indexed: 222
14:44:57 - .shtml indexed: 5927
14:44:57 - .doc indexed: 406
14:44:57 - .pdf indexed: 1672
14:44:57 - .wmv indexed: 24
14:44:57 - .txt indexed: 0
14:44:57 - .zip indexed: 9
14:44:57 - .wrf indexed: 2
14:44:57 - .exe indexed: 6
14:44:57 - .iso indexed: 0
14:44:57 - Cleaning up memory used for index data... please wait.
14:44:57 - Finished cleaning up memory.
I have sent an email but also posting here.
I get a search.cgi crash.
OS is XP Pro (SP2) 32 bit...http server is apache.
5.1 works fine to index the same site using cgi.
Scan results
14:44:57 - INDEX SUMMARY
14:44:57 - Files indexed: 8387
14:44:57 - Files skipped: 32
14:44:57 - Files filtered: 0
14:44:57 - Files downloaded: 8397
14:44:57 - Unique words found: 209260
14:44:57 - Total words found: 35528458
14:44:57 - Avg. unique words per page: 24.95
14:44:57 - Avg. words per page: 4236
14:44:57 - Start index time: 13:56:24 (2008/12/11)
14:44:57 - Elapsed index time: 00:48:33
14:44:57 - Peak physical memory used: 1220 MB
14:44:57 - Peak virtual memory used: 1593 MB
14:44:57 - Errors: 10
14:44:57 - URLs visited by spider: 8421
14:44:57 - URLs in spider queue: 0
14:44:57 - Total bytes scanned/downloaded: 3355585439
14:44:57 - File extensions:
14:44:57 - .htm indexed: 0
14:44:57 - .html indexed: 222
14:44:57 - .shtml indexed: 5927
14:44:57 - .doc indexed: 406
14:44:57 - .pdf indexed: 1672
14:44:57 - .wmv indexed: 24
14:44:57 - .txt indexed: 0
14:44:57 - .zip indexed: 9
14:44:57 - .wrf indexed: 2
14:44:57 - .exe indexed: 6
14:44:57 - .iso indexed: 0
14:44:57 - Cleaning up memory used for index data... please wait.
14:44:57 - Finished cleaning up memory.