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E-mail search terms

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  • E-mail search terms

    I know that there is the possibility to set up a database to collect search terms that site visitors enter and submit. However, is it possible to simply have these e-mailed?

    (By the way, I did go with the iframe set-up for my search engine. It is working beautifully.)

  • #2
    After you have turned on the logging option, the search terms people enter are stored in a CSV files on the server.

    Zoom has a built in function to download & produce graphs based on the information in this log file.

    There is no built in function to E-mail the raw log file nor the graphs. So you would need to write a script to do this or E-Mail it manuallly.



    • #3
      JCF1976, I accidentally deleted your last post. Very sorry about that. I wasn't paying attention.

      The question was, Can the search terms be E-mailed when a search is done & would JavaScript or PHP be required to do this.

      The answer is, There is no built in function to E-mail the search details. If you were to code this yourself, the technique and scripting language used would depending on the scripting languages your server supports, the options you selected in Zoom and your own programming knowledge.

      Having said that, Javascript isn't going to work very well. PHP or ASP would be better, but it would put a heavy load on the server if you have many visitors to your site and you are sending an E-Mail after every search.


