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Showing multiple results from the same document

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  • Showing multiple results from the same document

    Long documents such as PDFs may have multiple results, but the search results page shows only the first hit for each document.

    Is it possible to optionally display mutliple context results from the same document, as it would help decide whether the document has what you are looking for.

    Ideally, it would be nice if there was an optionally link "Show more results from this document".

    And can results from PDF documents show the page number?

    Ian Tresman

  • #2
    In fact Zoom will often show several pieces of context from a document. (Usually as a result of a multiword search). But you are correct they are from near the top of the document, if there are multiple hits.

    Displaying a new result per hit on the same document, or even some context text per hit, doesn't make sense as some common words might appear in a single document 1000's of times. You might end up with 1000's of lines of unwanted output.

    Zoom doesn't store page numbers in its index so it doesn't know what page a word appears on. It only knows which documents a word appears in, how important the word was in the document, the order of the words and roughly how far into the document the words appears (a word count).

    Having a "show more results from this document" is technically hard to implement as we are not always sure that there are more results when we output the first result. Wild cards, multiword and exact phrase would also need to be handled correctly. So this is not some we plan on implementing unless a lot of people start asking for it.



    • #3
      Showing multiple results from the same document

      I really would like this feature too. I think if there was a configurable maximum number of hits in the document (so I could specify, say 5 or 10) it would work fine.

      The problem I have had is that often the first context hit is on a keyword match, so that's what the user sees, instead of maybe some more appropriate text further into the html. Even without that problem, though, it would be nice to see the different hits.

      This is really the only big issue I have with the product, otherwise it's great.


