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Problem "jump to match & highlight" 4.2 b.1001

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  • Problem "jump to match & highlight" 4.2 b.1001

    The problem seems only to occurs with scrollable text-areas;
    the search-criteria are found, but when jumping to the page, it jumps to the wrong spot.

    An example (sorry, Dutch website) search for the term "aanbidding".

    It will show two results. Result 2 works, although the searchterm is not in plain site; it is found at the end of the scrollable text-area and highlighted.
    But Result 1 doesn't work; the searchterm is found and highlighted, but the jump is way off (far below).

    Hope this can be fixed soon, because I really love this program!!

  • #2
    I had a look at the page you said the script doesn't work on.

    I have to be honest. This page is a HTML disaster zone. I used the official HTML validator tool here to check the page.
    Your page failed validation with 265 errors (but to be fair probably only half a dozen of the errors are really serious).

    I had a look at the HTML source code directly as well. You have silly mistakes like putting the <body> tag before the <head> tag.

    The is no chance our script can work with invalid HTML. Fix up the page and give it another try.



    • #3
      Thanks for being so - be it brutally! - honest.

      I'm not a 'notepad'-style HTML webdesigner; a WYSIWYG-tool has produced this page.
      Obviously out of W3C-standards (and with to much 'space' for a n00b like me to operate in).

      Hopefully I can correct the errors by checking the errorlist.

      Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

      EDIT: that was easy enough; went from 260+ errors per page to NONE, by running freeware: Tidy
      Next job is getting Search to function within this error-free environment.


      • #4
        Now that my pages are W3C-certified and error-free...

        ...manually adding the line <script type="text/javascript">highlight();</script> after the </body> tag,
        as instructed from the Zoom Indexer help-file (Configuring - Results layout) ...produces the one-and-only leftover certification-error!

        Anyway, even with just one validation-error, the problem is still the same; searchitems are found & highlighted, but the jump is not correct.

        Example: search-item: aanbidding

        P.S. tedius job having to clean up after my WYSIWYG-tool & manually inserting code for Zoom on every update...,
        therefore I've only updated a couple of pages required for this example search-item to work.
        BTW: try running any major site (like yahoo) through the W3C-validation tool.


        • #5
          The syntax errors on the page appear to have fixed but you still have logical errors in your coding.

          For example, consider this HTML from your page,

          <style type="text/css">
          #OT12334 {position:absolute;z-index:5;visibility:hidden;text-align:left;left:14677px;top:13171px;width:167px;he ight:116px;}

          <div id="OT12334">
          <div id="Ggeo359" class="dfltt">
          <font face="Arial Narrow" class="fsx03">
          Datum: 12-07-1997, duur 1:14:48</font>
          <font face="Arial Narrow" class="fsx03">Aanbidding.

          Nog geen verdere beschrijving beschikbaar.

          You have text with the style "hidden" that contains your search word 'aanbidding'. So of course if the text is hidden you can't see it. On top of this you have positioned the division holding this text at the pixel position 14677, 13171. So even if the text was not hidden it would appear be off the screen (no one has a screen 14,000 pixels wide).

          So at the moment our script is jumping your hidden text that is off the screen.


