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Custom version of search.asp script

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  • Custom version of search.asp script

    I want to suppress the lines that say "nn results found" and do some other wacky stuff on the results page.

    1. Is changing the search.asp code the way to do that or am I missing something?
    2. Is it "OK" to change the search.asp code?
    3. More generally, does a new search.asp get created at any point based on the configuration settings? I've looked through it quickly and it doesn't look like it needs to.



  • #2
    Yes, we have not yet included the "Wacky stuff" option in the user interface. We have "Wacky stuff" appearing on the feature roadmap for a furture versoin however. The "Wacky stuff" button will be just next to the "Wierd behaviour" and "Crazy shit" check boxes

    But more seriously. There is a reasonable amount of flexibility available in the "Result layout" tab of the Zoom configuration window. You should try this and the other configuration settings first. Then you should check if you can get the result but editing the search template.

    But there is always going to be some behaviour that you can only get by modifying the code. It should be a last resort however, becuase we aren't going to support or even investigate problems in code you have changed. You are also going to have a problem upgrading to future versions as we release patches. You will need to re-apply your own changes.

    The search.asp delivered with the software file doesn't get modified by Zoom. (Except during an upgrade to a new version).



    • #3

      Of course you wouldn't be expected to support my Wacky Stuff (that's trademarked, by the way). I just couldn't tell if search.asp changed via the Zoom software. The built-in editor and such didn't cover what I wanted to do. I finally saw in the config where I could point to "my own" search.asp, so I'm all set. Thanks...


