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jump to match and highlight doesn't work, (anymore...)

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  • jump to match and highlight doesn't work, (anymore...)

    Search result highligts, but "jump to match and highlight" doesn't work.
    The most irritating fact is that it did work for a while.
    I've read the threads about highlight in the forum, i reinstalled zoom to get a new highlight.js file, tried different ways of adressing the script from the html files, tried it locally on different OS / webbrowsers and finally uploaded it to website. Of course I also tried all sorts of configurations in the zoom indexer.

    Could you please help?

    zoom searh engine 5.1 build 1017
    2 pages: s/000419.html try search Hack*
    s/000231.html try search aung

    thanks Hans

  • #2
    You don't seem to have followed the insructions for installing the hightlight script.

    I could not find the CSS tag required on your page,
    <style type="text/css">.highlight { background: #FFFF40; }</style>

    And you didn't follow our recomendation of placing the script in the body tag.
    <body onload="highlight();">

    And there is also this trouble shooting page.

    Further in V6 there is an updated script. But there is no reason why the simple HTML page returned in your results shouldn't work with the V5 script.


    • #3
      forgotten CSS

      Thank you very much, sometimes I get blind. I put the Css code directly in the head of the pages, and later tried to put it in the stylesheet, both worked.
      I also had 2 ways of calling the script,
      1. <body onload="highlight();">
      2. <script type="text/javascript">highlight(); </script>

      The latter, I put before </body> so it would validate. It worked Both ways.
      Im very satisfied now, thank's again

