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FTP drops out

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  • FTP drops out

    I am having a problem with the FTP in Zoom 5.1. It uploads the php files, and maybe one of the data files, then drops out. I have tried with and without the passive setting. I have never yet got it to run fully.

    My own FTP client - WinSCP - works fine.

    It is not a big issue, just means I cannot fully schedule a reindex which takes just under 3 hours, plus 30 minutes for the upload.

    I have only been using this since Sunday and it is a terrific product. Thanks.

    Robert Isaac
    Volvo Owners Club

  • #2
    We are not aware of any drop out problem, but FTP as a protocol isn't super reliable. Maybe WinSCP also drops out but silently re-connects in the background? Or maybe it is something special about the FTP settings on the server side. e.g short time outs. If you want to supply us with your FTP details we could have a look at it in more detail.

    If you are using an external FTP program make sure you select BINARY transfer mode. Note ASCII for the Zoom files.


    • #3
      Thanks. I do the php as ASCII and the data files as Binary.

      Robert Isaac
      Volvo Owners Club

