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Always re-index upon uploads

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  • Always re-index upon uploads

    I have a rather small collection of documents, and my own ASP-based controls for uploads and deletions. Documents do not often change either.

    Whenever a new document is added, or a document is deleted, I would like to start the Zoom index module. It does not take that long to run and we would like the Zoom search to be "correct" upon any changes.

    Short of having a re-index every 5 minutes or so, is there a way I can start the index programatically?

  • #2
    You can start Zoom from the command line or from another process. For example this might be from a DOS batch file file

    You should be able to call an extenal process from a ASP script using the ASP WshShell.Exec command.

    The Zoom Indexer accepts command line parameters if you wish to use it with an automated scheduling program or just to create a convenient shortcut. The usage definition is:

    ZoomIndexer [options] <config-file>


    -s Auto-run in spider mode, start indexing as soon as the application loads. This option requires that a config-file be specified also.

    -o Auto-run in offline mode, and start indexing as soon as the application loads. This option requires that a config-file be specified also.

    -r Auto-run Statistics Report Generator. This will automatically create the search statistics page based on the report options saved in the config file specified.

    <config-file> Configuration file to load on start up.

    Note that in either of the auto-run modes, the indexer will exit immediately after indexing has completed and an output log file is saved to “zoomindexer.log” in the running directory.

