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Listing search words by popularity - synonims counting

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  • Listing search words by popularity - synonims counting


    Currently, words which are defined as synonyms are displayed as separate words in statistics report. I think it would be very nice to have an option - when generating the report - to choose if they are counted as distinct or one (=synonimized) word.

    For example (polish word): user searches the word "zwierzęta" [=animals], for which I have defined two synonims: zwierzeta, zwierzenta (typing errors).
    At present, in statistics report, all of the words will be listed separately with their own search counter.

    As all of the words means exactly the same, I would like to have an option to count all searches containing these words as one word.


  • #2
    This is not possible in the current statistics report. You would need to manually combine the count for each word if you wanted this.

    Also in some case I think people might prefer to have a seperate count, in order to see what people are actually searching for.

    But if enough people were to ask for this we would look at implmenting it. It would not be a 5min change as at the moment information about synonyms is not stored in the search word log, and GUI changes wold be required.


    • #3
      Can Zoom display the most-frequently occuring words of a document?

      Is there a way to use Zoom to extract the most-frequently occuring words of indexed document?


      • #4
        This is a compltely different question from the initial post and probably should have been in it's own thread.

        There is no easy way to get the extract the most common words on each page. But we are thinking about doing a tag cloud type of function in the next major release which might help with with your question.

