at the moment our company is working at a big web project for a customer, that includes up to 10 different languages. We may going to use the Enterprise edition of this very nice search.
Now the problem is, that we need to have a scheudule task, that does every day an index from all the pages in every language. Every language variant has it own URL like .com, .de, .gb etc.
My question is:
Is it possible, to create a scheudule task, that makes the index from all pages in all language variants every day, and after that uploads the script files in the correct directory on the server.
I know that itīs possible, to create a scheudule task that does the index, but only for the specified URL and not for multiple i think.
Would be happy about some help
at the moment our company is working at a big web project for a customer, that includes up to 10 different languages. We may going to use the Enterprise edition of this very nice search.
Now the problem is, that we need to have a scheudule task, that does every day an index from all the pages in every language. Every language variant has it own URL like .com, .de, .gb etc.
My question is:
Is it possible, to create a scheudule task, that makes the index from all pages in all language variants every day, and after that uploads the script files in the correct directory on the server.
I know that itīs possible, to create a scheudule task that does the index, but only for the specified URL and not for multiple i think.
Would be happy about some help
