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Counting results in categories

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  • Counting results in categories


    At the top of my search page, I am having 3 links which represent individual categories and filter the results as requested. Is there a way, or is there asp code I can use, that will let me count how many results would be in each category. Im new to asp, so any help would be greatly appriacted.

    Many thanks.

  • #2
    This count is not stored in the search index. It would need to be calculated by checking each page and determining which categor(ies) the page fell into then adding up a total. Some custom script would need to be written to do this calculation.

    How if you just want to do a one off calculation. Do a search for the word,
    (a double star)
    and select the category that you want. All pages in that category will be displayed. Is it not efficient, but should give you an answer.

