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Couldn't buy zoom?

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  • Couldn't buy zoom?

    I tried to buy zoom for my company (I am the webmaster) with the company credit card, which is under the name of the financial person who arranged it. Of course, on the first page I put in my name. When I clicked submit, the page just refreshed. I read the red script and am now worried I won't be able to purchase zoom for my company's website because the card is not in my name. That, or I have been billed (twice) but not sent an activation code or download or anything of the sort! Please help, I am in USA and therefore cannot phone in my concerns.

  • #2
    There is no reason not to call us. Our contact details are on our web site. But if you call, please check the time difference from where you are first.

    If you didn't get an order number, nor any E-mails, but did see an error messages of some sort in red, there it is highly likely that the order was not processed. What was the error message?

    If you are ordering with a credit card, then you need to enter in the name of the credit card holder (not someone elses name).

    We'll double check this is the case an E-mail you in any case.

