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Problem after upgrade

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  • Problem after upgrade

    I have used ZoomSearch 4.2 Pro and have today upgraded to version 5.0 Pro.

    My site is, Frontpage 2003 is my editor, and I use ZoomSearch asp with language Danish.

    After indexing and upload I try a search. Every time I get this error message:

    Microsoft VBScript runtime  error '800a0005'
    Invalid procedure call or argument
    /xle/_search/search.asp, line 713
    I have uninstalled, deleted, tried again and much more. Any suggestions?


  • #2
    Did you upload the new search.asp script?

    Maybe you are using V4 index files with the V5 script or the the V4 script with V5 of the index files?


    • #3

      Now I've found a workaround.

      Configuration and indexing is working correct. The bug is possibly created by Frontpage 2003:

      I have a folder '_search' for search.asp, settings.asp and the other files. The normal workflow is:

      1) I update the website locally
      2) I run Zoom Search
      3) With Frontpage I publish changed content (including search files) to the server

      The bug comes here: Before publishing, lines 30 to 36 look like this:

      Dim catnames, NumCats, catpages, catindex
      Dim IsZoomQuery
      [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]<!-- #include file="settings.asp" -->[/COLOR]
      if (ScriptEngine <> "VBScript" OR ScriptEngineMajorVersion < 5) then
      The published file on the server have these lines:
      Dim catnames, NumCats, catpages, catindex
      Dim IsZoomQuery
      %> <%
      if (ScriptEngine <> "VBScript" OR ScriptEngineMajorVersion < 5) then
      It seems Frontpage is trying to execute the include statement.

      Workaround: File search.asp is copied manually to the server once. Afterwards the file is excluded from publishing.

      Maybe somebody could explain why this happens?



      • #4
        Frontpage is really a terrible piece of software. We stopped using it about 5 years ago. Dreamweaver does a much better job. (Even Notepad does a better job in fact).

        In this case I am guessing that Frontpage tried to be too smart and filtered out some code it thought wasn't important. Probably becuase of the comment tags.

