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Multiple results from same pdf file

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  • Multiple results from same pdf file


    Is it possible to have multiple results from the same pdf file.

    Lets say you've got a newspaper in pdf format and search for "war in iraq" - would't it be relevant to show multiple results (i.e. multiple descriptions) of the occurence of this result?

    Is it possible?

  • #2
    If you are doing this search as a multi-word search, then multiple pieces of context are shown. One piece per word, up to a maximum of 3 pieces of context.

    If you are doing an exact phrase search, then only one larger section of context is displayed. This is mostly for efficiency reasons, as it avoids a long, possibly fruitless search through large PDF files. (exact phrase searching is much less efficienct than single word and multi-word searches).

    But there is a feature that might partially address your requirement, which is, PDF word highlighting.

