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Will Not Index Filename

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  • Will Not Index Filename

    My version 5 will index page title, content, etc., but will not index the filenames. The checkbox for filename is checked in the "What to Index" configuration but when I search for any filename, it doesn't show no matter if it's a .txt .doc .xls .pdf Any one have this problem before? I didn't on v 4

  • #2
    After checking the file name box, did you re-index and re-upload your files?

    What was the actual search word used? Can you post the URL to your search function.


    • #3
      Yes, indexed several times. I purchased v4 about two years ago and used on an intranet with great success but have relocated work places and have now purchased v5. My files are on the intranet just as before. I'm now working with local files on my harddrive, just a few for quick testing. I've named several different types of files to the filename "test". When typing in the word test in the search, the results come back "no results found". The files do get indexed as I see in the status window.


      • #4
        Try doing a wild card search, for example,
        or searching for the full name,


        • #5
          Yes, the wildcard * works . . . thank you. I don't remember having to type that before. Why is it though that on file names are like this? Oh I just tried something . . . I see that the search has to have the wildcard * if its the LAST word in the filename. I renamed the files with longer names and the search works on any word other than the LAST name without the wildcard *. Thats cool! Don't know why but now I see.

          Thank you!
          Last edited by obieron; Apr-09-2007, 12:23 AM.


          • #6
            It is becuase you have the dot "." character as a join character.

            This means that test.xls is one word (and test is just part of the word).

            If you turn off dots as join characters, then test.xls will be indexed as two words. "Test" and "xls". Then you can search for just Test and get a response.

