In the downloaded the pdftotext.txt file mentions using the "-l" option to specify the last page to index.
I would like to implement this during the indexing to speed things up and also because the first page of the PDF files is the cover for the reports so it contains all the words needed for searching.
I can do this from the command line, for example: "C:\pdftotext -l 1 203465.pdf test.txt". This will create a text file of the first page only.
But how do I configure Zoom Search to use the -l 1 option on the fly?
Chris Bungart
I would like to implement this during the indexing to speed things up and also because the first page of the PDF files is the cover for the reports so it contains all the words needed for searching.
I can do this from the command line, for example: "C:\pdftotext -l 1 203465.pdf test.txt". This will create a text file of the first page only.
But how do I configure Zoom Search to use the -l 1 option on the fly?
Chris Bungart