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Custom script source path or Embedding script link

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  • Custom script source path or Embedding script link

    I’m setting up a website (PHP/MySQL) to search only for relevant pdf files found in specific folders depending on the user login information.
    At this time I have it working so that I index each folder separately, and Zoom creates the search.php and template in that folder. When the user logs in, and does a search, I use the template in the specific folder (based on his login).
    What I would like to do, is use a template that is universal (not separate ones in each folder), but still insure that the search is specific to a folder based on the user login.
    I think that the Custom script source path or Embedding script link might be the right direction, but after reading through the instructions I’m not clear on exactly what they do.
    Can anyone help direct me, or at least give a further explanation.


  • #2
    From the help file.

    Custom script source path
    If you wish to use a copy of the search script (search.asp, search.php or search.js) that is located in a different folder besides the one in the Zoom installation directory, then you can change the path here. This is only necessary if you are making modifications to the search script source code, and you wish to maintain multiple versions to be used with different sites.

    Embedding script
    This option allows you to specify the URL used to link back to the search script. By default, it should be left blank.
    However, if you wish to embed the search script in your own server-side scripts (eg. you have included search.php into your own PHP file, or included the CGI within a PHP script, etc.) you can then specify the filename of your embedded script here so that it will link to the correct file.

    So as you are using the default script that we supply. You don't need to use the custom script source path.

    The embedded script link back is also not going to solve your problem. At least not to way you have things set up at the moment.

    Some possible solutions include.

    1) Making soft links at the file system level, so all the templates are really the same file. This works best with Linux. Not so much with Windows.

    2) Removing almost everything from the search_template.html file and instead create a wrapper script or shtml file. The wrapper script would produce consistent page headers and footers. In this case you would need to use the link back URL. See.

    3) Manually edit the script code to hard code all the search functions to use the same template file at a fixed location.


    • #3
      Thanks, I'll give that a try . . .

