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Script code shows instead of results page

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  • Script code shows instead of results page

    The search engine was working great on our demonstration server. Now having moved the files to our client's server (and adjusted URLs in the indexer accordingly), it has stopped working!

    When you type in a search term, the page that comes back is just the code from search.php.

    I've been assured that the new server has PHP 4.3 installed and activated. Since I assumed a lack of PHP to be the normal cause of what's happening, I was wondering if there are any other things that might be causing this to happen?

    Any issues with setting FTP file permissions or setting the path to Perl or anything like that?


  • #2
    > Since I assumed a lack of PHP to be
    > the normal cause of what's happening,

    We agree. It is 99% sure this is the case. Either PHP is not installed at all or it is not installed correctly.

    Create a very simple PHP page like this, then ask whoever installed the server why the script doesn't work

           <?php echo "Hi, I'm a PHP script!"; ?>


    • #3
      You're right - that snippet displays code too.

      Will get onto them in the morning about it. Thanks for the tip.

